from *BackTrace*.
お座布団 経由。
...Another problem that is becoming increasingly apparent is the copying of features from rival products. Popular Linux distributions tend to copy features (particularly those in the window managers) from Windows; Microsoft copied alternative browsers with the blocking of pop-up windows; Mozilla copied mouse gestures from Opera.
While there is nothing bad about implementing features that are popular, valuable, or just clever, it is far easier for a developer to copy an existing feature that solves a problem than it is to devise a new, innovative solution to such a problem. And what incentive is there for a developer to implement a new feature when said developer knows that any good feature will be copied by his competitors?...
[Software innovation is deadより引用]
しかしどうして gnome2 はあんなに Lesser Windows 路線なんだろう。 はじめて Logout ボタンを押した時には叫んだよ……。
結局渡辺製作所だったのか。 ともあれ期待。
らしい。 ああもうなんてこった。 後で必ず買う。